Philippians 2:13 is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
When it comes to our areas of concern, our human efforts to solve our problems, despite the best of intentions, cannot produce results that are as beautiful as if we were to allow God’s wisdom and timing to do it. It’s when we rest from our self-efforts and struggles to solve our problems, and allow God to work in us and through us, that we see divine results.
Pastor often said this: If God wants all the glory, then allow Him to do all the work. God loves it when you look to and lean on Him alone. In heaven, it’s, “Worthy is the Lamb”, and not, “Worthy is the Lamb... and me”.
Stop trying to make it all happen through your own strength and wisdom. Cease from trying and start trusting the Lord. Let Him work in and through you to overcome your challenges, accomplish your dreams and fulfill His plans and purposes for your life. When God does it with His incomparable wisdom, power and timing, it can only be perfect!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Highly Favored, Greatly Blessed and Deeply Loved. Having undeserved, unearned, unmerited favor because of Jesus' finished work at the cross :)
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Mark 5:27–29 – See Jesus in His Grace and He Sees You in Your Faith
When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” Immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction. Mark 5:27–29
“I don’t think I have enough faith to be healed.”
It’s not for you to see how much faith you have. That’s God’s department. All you need to do is simply see how gracious God is toward you.
The woman with the issue of blood didn’t go around saying, “I must have faith. I must have faith…” No, she wasn’t conscious of her faith (or lack of it). She was conscious of Jesus and His goodness. How? She heard about Jesus. She must have heard all about His kindness toward the sick and oppressed, and how He healed and delivered them ALL.
She simply saw Jesus in His grace, and Jesus saw her faith and affirmed it — “Daughter, your faith has made you well.” Just focus on Jesus’ grace. See how He healed ALL without qualification and keep hearing of His goodness!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
“I don’t think I have enough faith to be healed.”
It’s not for you to see how much faith you have. That’s God’s department. All you need to do is simply see how gracious God is toward you.
The woman with the issue of blood didn’t go around saying, “I must have faith. I must have faith…” No, she wasn’t conscious of her faith (or lack of it). She was conscious of Jesus and His goodness. How? She heard about Jesus. She must have heard all about His kindness toward the sick and oppressed, and how He healed and delivered them ALL.
She simply saw Jesus in His grace, and Jesus saw her faith and affirmed it — “Daughter, your faith has made you well.” Just focus on Jesus’ grace. See how He healed ALL without qualification and keep hearing of His goodness!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Leviticus 1:4 – Jesus our Everlasting Righteousness
Leviticus 1:4
Then he shall put his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.
Imagine the perfection of Jesus covering you from head to toe in the sight of God every moment of the day. Does that sound like a dream? My friend, that is your reality today because Jesus became your burnt offering at the cross.
In the case of the burnt offering, when the offerer lays his hand on the animal sacrifice (Leviticus 1:3–4), the perfection and beauty of the unblemished sacrifice is transferred to him, and God sees and accepts him in the perfection of the animal.
In Hebrew, the word “accepted” implies being treated with favor, delight and acceptance. This means that you, for whom Jesus became a burnt offering, are treated by God with favor, delight and acceptance because the beauty and perfection of Jesus have been transferred to you. As your burnt offering, Jesus has made atonement for you on your behalf.
Jesus is your atonement or covering for sin. How precious Jesus is to the Father is how precious you are to the Father because when the Father sees you, He sees Jesus, your atonement, your covering.
So every day, take Jesus as your burnt offering. Come to God and say, “Father, I thank You that Jesus is my burnt offering. He covers me from head to toe with His righteousness. I thank you Father, that You see me without spot or wrinkle. You see me covered in all the value and perfection of the work of Your Son. What He is to You, I am. Who He is to You, I am. As He is now, so am I. I am in Him!” (1 John 4:17)
Jesus has you covered. You don’t appear before the Father with all your faults and shortcomings. Jesus proclaims to you what is right with you in spite of what is wrong with you because He has covered you with His perfection. Today, hear Him telling you, “Go, girl! I have you covered. There is nothing for you to worry about!” Hear Him saying to you, “Go for it, son! I am covering you. There is nothing for you to fear!”
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's daily devotional)
Then he shall put his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.
Imagine the perfection of Jesus covering you from head to toe in the sight of God every moment of the day. Does that sound like a dream? My friend, that is your reality today because Jesus became your burnt offering at the cross.
In the case of the burnt offering, when the offerer lays his hand on the animal sacrifice (Leviticus 1:3–4), the perfection and beauty of the unblemished sacrifice is transferred to him, and God sees and accepts him in the perfection of the animal.
In Hebrew, the word “accepted” implies being treated with favor, delight and acceptance. This means that you, for whom Jesus became a burnt offering, are treated by God with favor, delight and acceptance because the beauty and perfection of Jesus have been transferred to you. As your burnt offering, Jesus has made atonement for you on your behalf.
Jesus is your atonement or covering for sin. How precious Jesus is to the Father is how precious you are to the Father because when the Father sees you, He sees Jesus, your atonement, your covering.
So every day, take Jesus as your burnt offering. Come to God and say, “Father, I thank You that Jesus is my burnt offering. He covers me from head to toe with His righteousness. I thank you Father, that You see me without spot or wrinkle. You see me covered in all the value and perfection of the work of Your Son. What He is to You, I am. Who He is to You, I am. As He is now, so am I. I am in Him!” (1 John 4:17)
Jesus has you covered. You don’t appear before the Father with all your faults and shortcomings. Jesus proclaims to you what is right with you in spite of what is wrong with you because He has covered you with His perfection. Today, hear Him telling you, “Go, girl! I have you covered. There is nothing for you to worry about!” Hear Him saying to you, “Go for it, son! I am covering you. There is nothing for you to fear!”
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's daily devotional)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Matthew 6:33 – Seek First The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness
Matthew 6:33
… seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
God doesn’t want you grabbing the newspaper first thing in the morning and reading all the bad news in the world. He knows that if you do that, your heart will be full of cares, anxieties and even fears.
When you are reading the newspapers, magazines, medical journals, economic reports, watching movies or surfing the Internet all the time, then you are getting your “nourishment” from these sources instead of God’s Word. Now, I am not against these things. But if you constantly feed only on earthly things which cannot satisfy, you will fill your heart and mind with cares and worries.
Jesus doesn’t want you to end up worrying about your life — what you will eat, drink or wear — as these are the things that the Gentiles (people of the world) seek. He says that your heavenly Father knows very well that you need these things. (Matthew 6:31–32)
That is why He promises you that if you would seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, all these things that the world seeks after will be added to you. It will not just be given but added, which means greater in quantity and quality!
If you are faced with lack, don’t pursue material goods. Pursue God your provider. If you are sick, don’t pursue the “cure”. Pursue God your healer.
Don’t grab the newspaper or call your friend first thing in the morning to talk about the latest bad news. Instead, grab your Bible and read all the good news God has for you for the day. And as you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all the things that the world is running after will be added to you!
And where is the Kingdom of God? Check out the post HERE
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's daily devotional)
… seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
God doesn’t want you grabbing the newspaper first thing in the morning and reading all the bad news in the world. He knows that if you do that, your heart will be full of cares, anxieties and even fears.
When you are reading the newspapers, magazines, medical journals, economic reports, watching movies or surfing the Internet all the time, then you are getting your “nourishment” from these sources instead of God’s Word. Now, I am not against these things. But if you constantly feed only on earthly things which cannot satisfy, you will fill your heart and mind with cares and worries.
Jesus doesn’t want you to end up worrying about your life — what you will eat, drink or wear — as these are the things that the Gentiles (people of the world) seek. He says that your heavenly Father knows very well that you need these things. (Matthew 6:31–32)
That is why He promises you that if you would seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, all these things that the world seeks after will be added to you. It will not just be given but added, which means greater in quantity and quality!
If you are faced with lack, don’t pursue material goods. Pursue God your provider. If you are sick, don’t pursue the “cure”. Pursue God your healer.
Don’t grab the newspaper or call your friend first thing in the morning to talk about the latest bad news. Instead, grab your Bible and read all the good news God has for you for the day. And as you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all the things that the world is running after will be added to you!
And where is the Kingdom of God? Check out the post HERE
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's daily devotional)
Fear Not,
God Cares,
Kingdom of God,
Monday, May 27, 2013
Deuteronomy 28:12 – Blessed To Be Givers
The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. Deuteronomy 28:12
God blesses you and provides abundantly for you and your family so that you can always find yourself in a place to give and be a blessing. He wants you to be a lender, rather than a borrower who is constantly struggling to pay off his debts, so that you can be a blessing to many.
Keep looking to His finished work to provide for all your needs. Look to Christ for your provision and by His grace be diligent in all that you do. You’ll be so blessed you can’t help but be a blessing!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
God blesses you and provides abundantly for you and your family so that you can always find yourself in a place to give and be a blessing. He wants you to be a lender, rather than a borrower who is constantly struggling to pay off his debts, so that you can be a blessing to many.
Keep looking to His finished work to provide for all your needs. Look to Christ for your provision and by His grace be diligent in all that you do. You’ll be so blessed you can’t help but be a blessing!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Sunday, May 26, 2013
John 16:13 – Rest Is Spirit-Directed Activity
However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth… John 16:13
Resting in the finished work of Jesus is not inactivity or laziness. Rest will always result in Holy Spirit-directed activity.
While you are trusting God for your healing, you may need specific wisdom to deal practically with your physical symptoms. This comes from the Holy Spirit. He wants to guide you into all truth and lead you to victory.
For example, if you have a stomach ulcer, He may tell you, “Stop that stressful activity,” or “Spend more time playing with your kids.” You see, He knows exactly what the problem is and has the perfect solution that will bring about the results you desire!
Beloved, choose to tune in to the Spirit today and follow His promptings. You will find life, peace and victory!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Resting in the finished work of Jesus is not inactivity or laziness. Rest will always result in Holy Spirit-directed activity.
While you are trusting God for your healing, you may need specific wisdom to deal practically with your physical symptoms. This comes from the Holy Spirit. He wants to guide you into all truth and lead you to victory.
For example, if you have a stomach ulcer, He may tell you, “Stop that stressful activity,” or “Spend more time playing with your kids.” You see, He knows exactly what the problem is and has the perfect solution that will bring about the results you desire!
Beloved, choose to tune in to the Spirit today and follow His promptings. You will find life, peace and victory!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Saturday, May 25, 2013
1 Corinthians 1:30 – Jesus Is Our Wisdom
But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God… 1 Corinthians 1:30
God wants us to go after wisdom. In the Book of Proverbs, God tells us wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7). We are not to go after riches. But when we have wisdom, all the things we seek will follow after us, including honor and length of days. So never make riches your goal!
If you lack wisdom, simply ask God for it. He will give it to you “liberally and without reproach” (James 1:5). The truth is that He has already given you wisdom when He gave you Jesus, “who became for us wisdom from God”.
So if you are facing a challenge at work and you don’t know how to resolve it, say, “Jesus, You are my wisdom. I thank You that You will provide me with the best solution.” If you have a wayward child, say, “Jesus, thank You for wisdom in loving and raising this child well.”
Meditate on how Jesus, in whom resides all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, is in you, with you and for you today. He will lead you to do the right thing at the right time!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
God wants us to go after wisdom. In the Book of Proverbs, God tells us wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7). We are not to go after riches. But when we have wisdom, all the things we seek will follow after us, including honor and length of days. So never make riches your goal!
If you lack wisdom, simply ask God for it. He will give it to you “liberally and without reproach” (James 1:5). The truth is that He has already given you wisdom when He gave you Jesus, “who became for us wisdom from God”.
So if you are facing a challenge at work and you don’t know how to resolve it, say, “Jesus, You are my wisdom. I thank You that You will provide me with the best solution.” If you have a wayward child, say, “Jesus, thank You for wisdom in loving and raising this child well.”
Meditate on how Jesus, in whom resides all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, is in you, with you and for you today. He will lead you to do the right thing at the right time!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Thursday, May 23, 2013
John 19:2 – Jesus Wore The Crown Of Thorns For You
John 19:2
And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His head...
If hard work is the formula for prosperity, then everyone who works hard should be prosperous. But this is certainly not the case. Many people who work very hard are still in lack!
I am not advocating laziness. What I am saying is that working hard by the sweat of your brow is not how God’s provision comes. In fact, if you have to work overtime all the time and are stressed out, you are probably operating under the curse.
What curse is that? It is this curse: “In the sweat of your face, you shall eat bread...” (Genesis 3:19) And it refers to the stress, struggle and anxieties that come with working hard and yet producing little. Now, work itself is not a curse since God gave Adam work before the fall - Adam was to tend the garden of Eden. It was only after he sinned that the land was cursed and it brought forth thorns, and man had to toil to eat of it. (Genesis 3:17-18)
But praise God, Jesus wore the thorns on His head to show you that He has borne this curse for you and redeemed you from it. He wore the crown of thorns so that you can work stress-free and yet have the results. You don’t have to be worried and stressed out day and night like the people of the world just to get ahead in life. Your heavenly Father can get you there without the worries and stress. (Matthew 6:31-33)
Beloved, every curse that was supposed to fall on your head fell on Jesus’ head, typified by the crown of thorns. He wore the crown of thorns for you so that you can have peace of mind. He wore the crown of thorns for you and took your curse so that you can wear the crown of glory and take His righteousness, and all the benefits of that righteousness!
Today, don’t labor and toil like the people of the world. Instead, expect to see the blessings of God come into your life without blood, sweat and tears because Jesus wore the crown of thorns for you!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's daily devotional)
And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His head...
If hard work is the formula for prosperity, then everyone who works hard should be prosperous. But this is certainly not the case. Many people who work very hard are still in lack!
I am not advocating laziness. What I am saying is that working hard by the sweat of your brow is not how God’s provision comes. In fact, if you have to work overtime all the time and are stressed out, you are probably operating under the curse.
What curse is that? It is this curse: “In the sweat of your face, you shall eat bread...” (Genesis 3:19) And it refers to the stress, struggle and anxieties that come with working hard and yet producing little. Now, work itself is not a curse since God gave Adam work before the fall - Adam was to tend the garden of Eden. It was only after he sinned that the land was cursed and it brought forth thorns, and man had to toil to eat of it. (Genesis 3:17-18)
But praise God, Jesus wore the thorns on His head to show you that He has borne this curse for you and redeemed you from it. He wore the crown of thorns so that you can work stress-free and yet have the results. You don’t have to be worried and stressed out day and night like the people of the world just to get ahead in life. Your heavenly Father can get you there without the worries and stress. (Matthew 6:31-33)
Beloved, every curse that was supposed to fall on your head fell on Jesus’ head, typified by the crown of thorns. He wore the crown of thorns for you so that you can have peace of mind. He wore the crown of thorns for you and took your curse so that you can wear the crown of glory and take His righteousness, and all the benefits of that righteousness!
Today, don’t labor and toil like the people of the world. Instead, expect to see the blessings of God come into your life without blood, sweat and tears because Jesus wore the crown of thorns for you!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's daily devotional)
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Romans 11:6 – Act Out Of Rest; You Cannot Work Out Your Salvation or Healing
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8,9
And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work. Romans 11:6
Whether it is partaking of the Holy Communion or confessing God’s Word, do these things out of rest. Don’t feel as if you need to put the demand on yourself to be healed. My friend, you can’t earn your healing. It is something that God gives you by His grace.
Beloved, God wants you to see that Jesus has already paid for your healing. Today, He is so pleased with Jesus’ finished work that He is more than happy to bountifully supply all the healing and provision that you desire.
When you truly have a revelation of this, nothing will stop you from declaring His Word over yourself and running to the Lord’s table with thanksgiving and expectation. And when you act in faith out of rest, it won’t be long before you see your miracle manifest!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work. Romans 11:6
Whether it is partaking of the Holy Communion or confessing God’s Word, do these things out of rest. Don’t feel as if you need to put the demand on yourself to be healed. My friend, you can’t earn your healing. It is something that God gives you by His grace.
Beloved, God wants you to see that Jesus has already paid for your healing. Today, He is so pleased with Jesus’ finished work that He is more than happy to bountifully supply all the healing and provision that you desire.
When you truly have a revelation of this, nothing will stop you from declaring His Word over yourself and running to the Lord’s table with thanksgiving and expectation. And when you act in faith out of rest, it won’t be long before you see your miracle manifest!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Mark 9:23 – Believe in Jesus whose faith never fails!
Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23
Mark 9:23 has been traditionally taught to mean that you can have your miracle if YOU can believe. If you can’t believe, then Jesus isn’t going to give you your miracle.
But if you study the Greek structure of the verse, it’s actually saying, “Can you believe that all things are possible to him [Jesus] who is always believing?”
That makes a world of difference! It’s not about how well or how much you can believe, but WHO you believe. Jesus is the only one whose faith is always constant and never wavers. His faith never fails! And if you can believe that all things are possible for Jesus who never doubts, never wavers, then you are on your way to receiving your miracle!
Beloved, have faith not in your faith, but in Him who always believes and always wants to do good to you!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Mark 9:23 has been traditionally taught to mean that you can have your miracle if YOU can believe. If you can’t believe, then Jesus isn’t going to give you your miracle.
But if you study the Greek structure of the verse, it’s actually saying, “Can you believe that all things are possible to him [Jesus] who is always believing?”
That makes a world of difference! It’s not about how well or how much you can believe, but WHO you believe. Jesus is the only one whose faith is always constant and never wavers. His faith never fails! And if you can believe that all things are possible for Jesus who never doubts, never wavers, then you are on your way to receiving your miracle!
Beloved, have faith not in your faith, but in Him who always believes and always wants to do good to you!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Monday, May 20, 2013
John 15:5 – Be Conscious Of Your Position In Christ
I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches.” He did not say, “I am the vine, try to be the branches.” In other words, He wants us to realize that we are already the branches. We do not have to struggle to become the branches.
We are the branches simply by being conscious every day of our position in Christ. Because we have received Christ, we are in Christ and are accepted in the Beloved. (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 1:6) God accepts us because we are in the Beloved and He is in us. And that is how God sees us today when we come into His presence.
What the devil wants to do then is to get you to focus on your condition instead of your position in Christ. The condition you are facing could be financial lack or deteriorating health. The devil wants you to focus on your condition and forget your position - that you are the righteousness of God in Christ and that you are seated with Him in heavenly places at the Father’s right hand. (2 Corinthians 5:21, Ephesians 2:6) He wants you to forget that you are an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. (Romans 8:17)
The devil knows that once you focus on your position in Christ, it will give you the power to change your condition and circumstances. John 15:5 says that you will bear “much fruit”. This means that when you pray against any lack, abundant supply will flow. When you pray for healing, sickness will leave.
My friend, none of these things can happen by your own doing, but by His life which flows through you. Just as sap flowing through the branches of a vine will cause them to bring forth fruit, His life flowing through you will bring forth a bountiful harvest of provision, healing and miracles. You only need to remain conscious of who you are in Christ!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's daily devotional)
Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches.” He did not say, “I am the vine, try to be the branches.” In other words, He wants us to realize that we are already the branches. We do not have to struggle to become the branches.
We are the branches simply by being conscious every day of our position in Christ. Because we have received Christ, we are in Christ and are accepted in the Beloved. (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 1:6) God accepts us because we are in the Beloved and He is in us. And that is how God sees us today when we come into His presence.
What the devil wants to do then is to get you to focus on your condition instead of your position in Christ. The condition you are facing could be financial lack or deteriorating health. The devil wants you to focus on your condition and forget your position - that you are the righteousness of God in Christ and that you are seated with Him in heavenly places at the Father’s right hand. (2 Corinthians 5:21, Ephesians 2:6) He wants you to forget that you are an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. (Romans 8:17)
The devil knows that once you focus on your position in Christ, it will give you the power to change your condition and circumstances. John 15:5 says that you will bear “much fruit”. This means that when you pray against any lack, abundant supply will flow. When you pray for healing, sickness will leave.
My friend, none of these things can happen by your own doing, but by His life which flows through you. Just as sap flowing through the branches of a vine will cause them to bring forth fruit, His life flowing through you will bring forth a bountiful harvest of provision, healing and miracles. You only need to remain conscious of who you are in Christ!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's daily devotional)
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Isaiah 54:9-10 – God Will Never Be Angry With You
“For this is like the waters of Noah to Me; for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth, so have I sworn that I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you. For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has mercy on you. Isaiah 54:9-10
The good news of the gospel is that God will NEVER be angry with us. He only has to tell us this, but He wanted us to be so sure that He swore in His Word that He would never be angry with us again.
Today’s verses are from Isaiah 54, which is right after the famous messianic chapter of the sufferings of Christ in Isaiah 53. Therefore, Isaiah 54 is spelling out the triumphs and spoils of His sufferings.
Do you know why God will never be angry with us again? It is because of what Christ has accomplished for us! On the cross, God poured out all His anger on the body of His Son. Jesus exhausted all the fiery indignation of a holy God against all our sins. And because our sins have already been punished, God, who is a holy and just God, will not punish us today when we believe in what Christ has done. God’s holiness is now on your side. His righteousness is now for you, not against you. You are His beloved, in whom He is well pleased because of Jesus’ finished work!
When you believe this truth, you will have the confidence to face every challenge with boldness, knowing that you have God’s unmerited favor on your side!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
The good news of the gospel is that God will NEVER be angry with us. He only has to tell us this, but He wanted us to be so sure that He swore in His Word that He would never be angry with us again.
Today’s verses are from Isaiah 54, which is right after the famous messianic chapter of the sufferings of Christ in Isaiah 53. Therefore, Isaiah 54 is spelling out the triumphs and spoils of His sufferings.
Do you know why God will never be angry with us again? It is because of what Christ has accomplished for us! On the cross, God poured out all His anger on the body of His Son. Jesus exhausted all the fiery indignation of a holy God against all our sins. And because our sins have already been punished, God, who is a holy and just God, will not punish us today when we believe in what Christ has done. God’s holiness is now on your side. His righteousness is now for you, not against you. You are His beloved, in whom He is well pleased because of Jesus’ finished work!
When you believe this truth, you will have the confidence to face every challenge with boldness, knowing that you have God’s unmerited favor on your side!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Jesus our sacrifice,
Unmerited Favor
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
James 5:16 – Your Prayers Produce Wonderful Results
...The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16

When Jesus was crucified on the cross, not only did He wash away all your sins with His precious blood, but He also gave you His very own righteousness as a gift.
Do you know that you can never lose this righteousness? Your righteousness is a gift from Jesus because it is entirely dependent on His perfect performance and His perfect obedience, not yours.
Because you are forever righteous in Christ, God hears your prayers every time you pray. Apostle James tells us that the earnest prayer of a righteous man - that’s YOU - “produces wonderful results”. Not just plain results, but wonderful results!
What provision do you need today, righteous one? Favor for an interview, wisdom to clear your debts, healing for your children? As a righteous man or woman of God, boldly ask Jesus for what you need in prayer and expect to see wonderful results!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")

When Jesus was crucified on the cross, not only did He wash away all your sins with His precious blood, but He also gave you His very own righteousness as a gift.
Do you know that you can never lose this righteousness? Your righteousness is a gift from Jesus because it is entirely dependent on His perfect performance and His perfect obedience, not yours.
Because you are forever righteous in Christ, God hears your prayers every time you pray. Apostle James tells us that the earnest prayer of a righteous man - that’s YOU - “produces wonderful results”. Not just plain results, but wonderful results!
What provision do you need today, righteous one? Favor for an interview, wisdom to clear your debts, healing for your children? As a righteous man or woman of God, boldly ask Jesus for what you need in prayer and expect to see wonderful results!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
2 Corinthians 5:21 - Righteously Receive God’s Favor!
For He hath made Him [Jesus] to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21

Jesus had no sin of His own, but He took upon Himself all of humanity’s sins. Similarly, you and I had no righteousness of our own, but on that cross, Jesus took upon Himself all our sins, past, present and future, and in exchange, gave us His perfect, everlasting righteousness.
Now, is this righteousness that we have received a result of our own works or His work? It is clear that our righteousness is a result of His work (Romans 5:17) and we can only receive His righteousness through His unmerited favor (Ephesians 2:8)!
Beloved, because Jesus has paid so dearly for you to have His own righteousness, you can cease from your own efforts to be righteous in God's eyes to earn His favor. See yourself the righteousness of God in Christ and expect the blessings of the righteous to manifest in your life!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")

Jesus had no sin of His own, but He took upon Himself all of humanity’s sins. Similarly, you and I had no righteousness of our own, but on that cross, Jesus took upon Himself all our sins, past, present and future, and in exchange, gave us His perfect, everlasting righteousness.
Now, is this righteousness that we have received a result of our own works or His work? It is clear that our righteousness is a result of His work (Romans 5:17) and we can only receive His righteousness through His unmerited favor (Ephesians 2:8)!
Beloved, because Jesus has paid so dearly for you to have His own righteousness, you can cease from your own efforts to be righteous in God's eyes to earn His favor. See yourself the righteousness of God in Christ and expect the blessings of the righteous to manifest in your life!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Jesus our sacrifice,
Unmerited Favor
Monday, May 13, 2013
Ephesians 1:6 – God Is Well Pleased With You, His Beloved
Ephesians 1:6
...He [God] made us accepted in the Beloved.
Studies have shown that in the heart of every child is a cry for his father’s approval. Something happens when a father says to his boy, “Daddy is so proud of you.” Or when a father says to his girl,”You will always be Daddy’s favorite girl.”
You can catch such a similar special moment in the Bible when God the Father displayed His approval of His Son - “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) The Bible shows us that Jesus’ ministry began with the approval of the Father, even before He had performed any miracle.
Now, you may think that God would naturally say that of Jesus, but not of us. My friend, the truth is that Jesus came for us and as us. He died for us and as us. He received the approval of the Father for us and as us. He came as our representative. And if that is not enough, God tells us in His Word that we are “accepted in the Beloved”!
Why did God specifically say “accepted in the Beloved” and not simply “accepted in Christ”? I believe that it is because He is calling to our remembrance what had happened at the Jordan river where He said, “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God wants us to know that we are His beloved and that He is well pleased with us.
God sees us as His beloved because He has made us accepted in the Beloved. He wants us to wake up every day knowing that we are His beloved, unconditionally loved and wholly approved.
The more we know how much we are loved and treasured by God, the more we can expect good things to happen in our lives. We can expect to be healthy and whole. When we realize that we are the objects of God’s love, instead of becoming easily frightened or threatened by anything or anyone, we become confident that we will win every fight of life.
That, my friend, is how your heavenly Father wants you to live. So live life today confident that you are God’s beloved!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "daily devotional")
...He [God] made us accepted in the Beloved.
Studies have shown that in the heart of every child is a cry for his father’s approval. Something happens when a father says to his boy, “Daddy is so proud of you.” Or when a father says to his girl,”You will always be Daddy’s favorite girl.”
You can catch such a similar special moment in the Bible when God the Father displayed His approval of His Son - “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) The Bible shows us that Jesus’ ministry began with the approval of the Father, even before He had performed any miracle.
Now, you may think that God would naturally say that of Jesus, but not of us. My friend, the truth is that Jesus came for us and as us. He died for us and as us. He received the approval of the Father for us and as us. He came as our representative. And if that is not enough, God tells us in His Word that we are “accepted in the Beloved”!
Why did God specifically say “accepted in the Beloved” and not simply “accepted in Christ”? I believe that it is because He is calling to our remembrance what had happened at the Jordan river where He said, “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God wants us to know that we are His beloved and that He is well pleased with us.
God sees us as His beloved because He has made us accepted in the Beloved. He wants us to wake up every day knowing that we are His beloved, unconditionally loved and wholly approved.
The more we know how much we are loved and treasured by God, the more we can expect good things to happen in our lives. We can expect to be healthy and whole. When we realize that we are the objects of God’s love, instead of becoming easily frightened or threatened by anything or anyone, we become confident that we will win every fight of life.
That, my friend, is how your heavenly Father wants you to live. So live life today confident that you are God’s beloved!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "daily devotional")
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Hebrews 8:12 – Your Sins He Remembers No More
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. Hebrews 8:12
“Why would God hear your prayer? Why would He heal you? Have you forgotten what you’ve done?” Have such thoughts crossed your mind and discouraged you from reaching out to God for your healing or some other breakthrough?
Such thoughts that condemn you aren’t from God or the Holy Spirit. They originate from the devil. The enemy wants you sin-conscious and will even tell you that it’s “godly” to be mindful of your failures.
God doesn’t want you sin-conscious – that’s not honoring what His Son has done for you at the cross. In fact, He declares in His Word that your sins and lawless deeds He remembers no more! God’s not keeping an itemized account of your sins. So why are you?
Don’t be sin-conscious today. Be Son-conscious, and watch God’s healing and provision for your every need manifest!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
“Why would God hear your prayer? Why would He heal you? Have you forgotten what you’ve done?” Have such thoughts crossed your mind and discouraged you from reaching out to God for your healing or some other breakthrough?
Such thoughts that condemn you aren’t from God or the Holy Spirit. They originate from the devil. The enemy wants you sin-conscious and will even tell you that it’s “godly” to be mindful of your failures.
God doesn’t want you sin-conscious – that’s not honoring what His Son has done for you at the cross. In fact, He declares in His Word that your sins and lawless deeds He remembers no more! God’s not keeping an itemized account of your sins. So why are you?
Don’t be sin-conscious today. Be Son-conscious, and watch God’s healing and provision for your every need manifest!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Galatians 2:21 – Don't let Jesus' death be in vain
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. Galatians 2:21
Consider carefully what the apostle Paul is saying in today’s verse. He is effectively saying that if you are depending on your good works, your doing and your ability to keep perfectly the Ten Commandments to become righteous, then Jesus died for nothing! That’s what “in vain” means – for nothing!
So don’t frustrate the grace of God by depending on your good works to make yourself righteous and put God on your side. Jesus’ sacrifice is more than enough to make you righteous. And when you know that you are made righteous by Jesus’ work alone, regardless of your performance, you can be confident that God’s unmerited favor is on your side. You can expect good to happen to you today and every day!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Consider carefully what the apostle Paul is saying in today’s verse. He is effectively saying that if you are depending on your good works, your doing and your ability to keep perfectly the Ten Commandments to become righteous, then Jesus died for nothing! That’s what “in vain” means – for nothing!
So don’t frustrate the grace of God by depending on your good works to make yourself righteous and put God on your side. Jesus’ sacrifice is more than enough to make you righteous. And when you know that you are made righteous by Jesus’ work alone, regardless of your performance, you can be confident that God’s unmerited favor is on your side. You can expect good to happen to you today and every day!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Jesus our sacrifice,
Unmerited Favor
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Proverbs 10:6 – God Blesses You, The Righteous
Blessings are on the head of the righteous… Proverbs 10:6
Whenever you find a promise or blessing for the righteous in the Bible, grab hold of it by saying, “Father, I receive this blessing in Jesus’ name!”
Let me show you how to practice this. When you read in Proverbs 10:6 that blessings are on the head of the righteous, say, “Thank You, Father, this promise is for ME because I have been made righteous through faith in Jesus and His finished work!”
So every day, instead of fearing that lack will devour you, expect God’s provision and blessings to hunt you down and surround you! Expect good things to happen to you. Say, “Father, I thank You that Your blessings crown my head. Your bountiful provisions are upon me and my household!”
Beloved, the more you begin to believe and speak words of abundance, provision and increase, the more you will experience the full blessings of the righteous!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Whenever you find a promise or blessing for the righteous in the Bible, grab hold of it by saying, “Father, I receive this blessing in Jesus’ name!”
Let me show you how to practice this. When you read in Proverbs 10:6 that blessings are on the head of the righteous, say, “Thank You, Father, this promise is for ME because I have been made righteous through faith in Jesus and His finished work!”
So every day, instead of fearing that lack will devour you, expect God’s provision and blessings to hunt you down and surround you! Expect good things to happen to you. Say, “Father, I thank You that Your blessings crown my head. Your bountiful provisions are upon me and my household!”
Beloved, the more you begin to believe and speak words of abundance, provision and increase, the more you will experience the full blessings of the righteous!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Psalm 103:2–5 – Forget Not All His Benefits
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Psalm 103:2–5
God wants you to remember all the benefits that Jesus has purchased for you with His blood! It is His heart to see you enjoying every single benefit, every single blessing and every single favor from Him in the new covenant of His grace. Forgiveness of sins is yours. Health is yours. Divine protection is yours. Favor is yours. Good things and the renewal of youth are yours! These are all precious gifts from the Lord to you, and it brings Him unspeakable joy when He sees you enjoying these gifts and succeeding in life.
What we need today are not more laws to govern believers.
What we need is a greater revelation and appreciation of Jesus and everything that He has done for us! In Hosea 4:6, God lamented, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...” Let’s not be numbered among these people. Instead, let us be a people who are full of the knowledge of Jesus, His person, His love and His finished work.
Beloved, don’t allow your ignorance to rob you any more of any of His benefits. Find out all about your covenant rights and benefits in Christ today. Each day, remember them and meditate on them, and see His goodness toward you!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
God wants you to remember all the benefits that Jesus has purchased for you with His blood! It is His heart to see you enjoying every single benefit, every single blessing and every single favor from Him in the new covenant of His grace. Forgiveness of sins is yours. Health is yours. Divine protection is yours. Favor is yours. Good things and the renewal of youth are yours! These are all precious gifts from the Lord to you, and it brings Him unspeakable joy when He sees you enjoying these gifts and succeeding in life.
What we need today are not more laws to govern believers.
What we need is a greater revelation and appreciation of Jesus and everything that He has done for us! In Hosea 4:6, God lamented, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...” Let’s not be numbered among these people. Instead, let us be a people who are full of the knowledge of Jesus, His person, His love and His finished work.
Beloved, don’t allow your ignorance to rob you any more of any of His benefits. Find out all about your covenant rights and benefits in Christ today. Each day, remember them and meditate on them, and see His goodness toward you!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
God Cares,
Jesus our sacrifice,
Unmerited Favor
Monday, May 6, 2013
Romans 8:15 – No Fear, Just Faith To be Healed
For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15
If you think that God is mad at you or that He is out to punish you, how can you have faith that He hears your prayer for healing? How can you believe Him for the miracle you need?
Yet, the truth is that God loves you so much that He gave you Jesus, heaven’s best, so that you will never be cut-off from Him. Jesus went to the cross to die for your sins so that God will always be with you and for you, to heal you and do good to you.
Beloved, when you have a deep revelation of how much God loves you, you can’t remain sick for long. You won’t be afraid that He may be keeping His healing power or any breakthrough that you need from you. Keep feeding on your Father’s perfect love for you. Keep meditating on it. Every fear of not receiving from Him will flee and faith will come instead!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
If you think that God is mad at you or that He is out to punish you, how can you have faith that He hears your prayer for healing? How can you believe Him for the miracle you need?
Yet, the truth is that God loves you so much that He gave you Jesus, heaven’s best, so that you will never be cut-off from Him. Jesus went to the cross to die for your sins so that God will always be with you and for you, to heal you and do good to you.
Beloved, when you have a deep revelation of how much God loves you, you can’t remain sick for long. You won’t be afraid that He may be keeping His healing power or any breakthrough that you need from you. Keep feeding on your Father’s perfect love for you. Keep meditating on it. Every fear of not receiving from Him will flee and faith will come instead!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Sunday, May 5, 2013
1 John 4:18 – Live Fear-Free In God’s Perfect Love
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear... 1 John 4:18
Whose “perfect love” is the apostle John talking about here? Is it our love for God and other people, or God’s love for us? My friend, John is talking about God’s love for us because only His love is perfect.
Why is a personal revelation of God’s perfect love for us so important? Because it’s the key to living life fear-free. The Bible uses the words “cast out” because you cannot psych or reason fear out of your life. You can’t suppress it and hope it goes away. Doing more to conquer your fears doesn't cut it either. Fear has to be cast out, and the only way fear can be cast out is by exposing it to something more powerful.
Beloved, there is nothing more powerful in the whole universe than the perfect love of God. Today, especially when the enemy puts thoughts of fear in your mind, meditate on how the Father so loved you, He willingly gave up His only beloved Son to die for you (John 3:16). See how in the same way God willingly delivered up Jesus for you, He is right now, more than willing to heal you, protect you, provide for you and give you good success.
Today, because you are God’s beloved, nothing can ever separate you from His presence, His favor, His love and His help. Receive His perfect love today and begin to live life fear-free!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Whose “perfect love” is the apostle John talking about here? Is it our love for God and other people, or God’s love for us? My friend, John is talking about God’s love for us because only His love is perfect.
Why is a personal revelation of God’s perfect love for us so important? Because it’s the key to living life fear-free. The Bible uses the words “cast out” because you cannot psych or reason fear out of your life. You can’t suppress it and hope it goes away. Doing more to conquer your fears doesn't cut it either. Fear has to be cast out, and the only way fear can be cast out is by exposing it to something more powerful.
Beloved, there is nothing more powerful in the whole universe than the perfect love of God. Today, especially when the enemy puts thoughts of fear in your mind, meditate on how the Father so loved you, He willingly gave up His only beloved Son to die for you (John 3:16). See how in the same way God willingly delivered up Jesus for you, He is right now, more than willing to heal you, protect you, provide for you and give you good success.
Today, because you are God’s beloved, nothing can ever separate you from His presence, His favor, His love and His help. Receive His perfect love today and begin to live life fear-free!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Saturday, May 4, 2013
1 Corinthians 11:23-25 – Partake Of JESUS
1 Corinthians 11:23-25
For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me." In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me."
Jesus is the purest form of life, and He has called us to share intimately with Him this incredible God-kind of life. It’s a life where sicknesses and diseases have no place. And when you became a born-again believer, God qualified you to partake of this life.
Today, in the face of your symptoms, in the midst of your fears and worries, meditate on this truth and see the very life of God available and supplied to you right now. See yourself – spirit, soul and body – immersed and surrounded by the very life that fills our Lord Jesus. It will swallow up every symptom of pain, weakness and death until you are walking in its fullness!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me." In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me."
Jesus is the purest form of life, and He has called us to share intimately with Him this incredible God-kind of life. It’s a life where sicknesses and diseases have no place. And when you became a born-again believer, God qualified you to partake of this life.
Today, in the face of your symptoms, in the midst of your fears and worries, meditate on this truth and see the very life of God available and supplied to you right now. See yourself – spirit, soul and body – immersed and surrounded by the very life that fills our Lord Jesus. It will swallow up every symptom of pain, weakness and death until you are walking in its fullness!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Friday, May 3, 2013
1 Peter 5:6–7 – Cast Every Care To God – He Cares!
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6–7
Though God governs the planets and galaxies, not one sparrow falls to the ground without His knowledge (Matt 10:29). Beloved, God loves you and is watching over you constantly. The Bible says that “the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Luke 12:7).
Now, if God cares enough to keep track of the hairs on your head, is there anything too small for Him that you cannot talk to Him about?
God’s love for you is infinitely detailed. He does not care only about the major events in the world, or the significant events in your life, like your salvation. He is also vitally and intensely involved in the day-to-day minute details of your life!
My friend, His love for you is personal, detailed and in-depth. Your heavenly Father wants you to involve Him even in the smallest, most mundane matters of your life. So cast every care to Him, knowing that you have His fullest attention with all of heaven's resources backing you up!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Though God governs the planets and galaxies, not one sparrow falls to the ground without His knowledge (Matt 10:29). Beloved, God loves you and is watching over you constantly. The Bible says that “the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Luke 12:7).
Now, if God cares enough to keep track of the hairs on your head, is there anything too small for Him that you cannot talk to Him about?
God’s love for you is infinitely detailed. He does not care only about the major events in the world, or the significant events in your life, like your salvation. He is also vitally and intensely involved in the day-to-day minute details of your life!
My friend, His love for you is personal, detailed and in-depth. Your heavenly Father wants you to involve Him even in the smallest, most mundane matters of your life. So cast every care to Him, knowing that you have His fullest attention with all of heaven's resources backing you up!
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Acts 7:9-10 – Depend On God’s Unmerited Favor, Not Favoritism
And the patriarchs, becoming envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him and delivered him out of all his troubles, and gave him favor and wisdom in the presence of Pharaoh, king of Egypt; and he made him governor over Egypt and all his house. Acts 7:9-10
There is a significant difference between God’s unmerited favor and favoritism. God’s unmerited favor is based entirely on Jesus’ merit, and we received it through His finished work at the cross. We did nothing to deserve His favor. It is completely unmerited. Favoritism, however, stinks of self-effort. Individuals who rely on favoritism for promotion resort to apple-polishing, office politics, manipulative tactics, backstabbing and all kinds of compromises just to get what they want.
God has a higher and better way for you. It hurts Him to see His precious children groveling like sycophants just to get ahead in life. If a door closes, so be it! Believe with full confidence that God has a better way for you. You don’t have to depend on favoritism to succeed when you have God’s unmerited favor!
That was how Joseph operated. He depended on the Lord for his success. When Potiphar’s wife kept trying to seduce him to sleep with her, Joseph stood his ground on the firm foundation of God’s unmerited favor. He didn’t go for favoritism by doing what his boss’ wife wanted.
Beloved, like Joseph, know and rejoice that it is the Lord who is the source of your blessings and success. You don’t have to resort to trying to win the favor of significant people in your life. It is the Lord’s favor on you that sets you up for recognition, promotion and increase!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
There is a significant difference between God’s unmerited favor and favoritism. God’s unmerited favor is based entirely on Jesus’ merit, and we received it through His finished work at the cross. We did nothing to deserve His favor. It is completely unmerited. Favoritism, however, stinks of self-effort. Individuals who rely on favoritism for promotion resort to apple-polishing, office politics, manipulative tactics, backstabbing and all kinds of compromises just to get what they want.
God has a higher and better way for you. It hurts Him to see His precious children groveling like sycophants just to get ahead in life. If a door closes, so be it! Believe with full confidence that God has a better way for you. You don’t have to depend on favoritism to succeed when you have God’s unmerited favor!
That was how Joseph operated. He depended on the Lord for his success. When Potiphar’s wife kept trying to seduce him to sleep with her, Joseph stood his ground on the firm foundation of God’s unmerited favor. He didn’t go for favoritism by doing what his boss’ wife wanted.
Beloved, like Joseph, know and rejoice that it is the Lord who is the source of your blessings and success. You don’t have to resort to trying to win the favor of significant people in your life. It is the Lord’s favor on you that sets you up for recognition, promotion and increase!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate and believe right")
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Ephesians 5:2 – Jesus Is God’s Satisfaction
Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. Ephesians 5:2
Today, as you come before God, say, “Father, I thank You that Jesus is such a delight and joy to You. He satisfies Your heart completely. And what He did, He did for me. Because Jesus so satisfies You, I know that You are satisfied with me. Because Jesus is Your delight, I am also Your delight. Because Jesus so pleases You, I know I please You too. And because Jesus is my righteousness and perfection, I stand righteous and perfect before You.”
Beloved, when you speak of Christ and His finished work, it goes up to God as a sweet-smelling aroma, a savor of rest. And if God can rest in the perfect sacrifice of His Son, you can too!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's daily devotional)
Today, as you come before God, say, “Father, I thank You that Jesus is such a delight and joy to You. He satisfies Your heart completely. And what He did, He did for me. Because Jesus so satisfies You, I know that You are satisfied with me. Because Jesus is Your delight, I am also Your delight. Because Jesus so pleases You, I know I please You too. And because Jesus is my righteousness and perfection, I stand righteous and perfect before You.”
Beloved, when you speak of Christ and His finished work, it goes up to God as a sweet-smelling aroma, a savor of rest. And if God can rest in the perfect sacrifice of His Son, you can too!
Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)
(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's daily devotional)
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