Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Psalm 105:37 - Results of Holy Communion: Healing & Wholeness

He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes.
Psalm 105:37

On the night of the first Passover, God had told His people to take a lamb for each household, roast it, apply its blood on their doorposts and eat the roasted lamb in their homes that night. The next day, all the Israelites, with “none feeble” among them, walked out of Egypt into freedom.

Why eat the lamb roasted? Because it was a picture of Jesus, the true Lamb of God, exhausting the fiery wrath of God for all our sins and paying the full price for our healing at the cross.

The physical roasted lamb the Israelites ate was a shadow. Today, you have the real thing. Whenever you partake of the Holy Communion, see the true Lamb of God judged for your sins and sicknesses. He has freed and delivered you from every disease!

(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "meditate & believe RIGHT")

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Psalm 91:16 – God Satisfies You With Long Life

With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation. Psalm 91:16

God’s heart is never for you to suffer crippling illnesses, die prematurely or live a life that is miserable. Psalm 91:16 says, “With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.” That is God’s heart for you! This means that God not only wants you to have a long life, but He also wants you to have a satisfying life that is full of His peace, provision and joy! In the verse, the word “salvation” is the Hebrew word Yeshua, the name of Jesus. So God will satisfy you with a long life that is full of Jesus and His grace!

Beloved, chronic illness, depression and a short life are not, and will never be, part of God’s plan for you. He wants you to experience a long, full life in which you walk in all the blessings of health, wholeness and provision that He has given you through Jesus!

Today, see the provision that Jesus made at the cross to redeem you from every curse of sickness and lack. Give Him thanks and step into His provision of a satisfying and fruitful life full of health, strength, peace and joy!

(source: Pastor Joseph Prince's "Meditate for Believe Right")

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

God abhors sickness and He loathes poverty

From Joseph Prince's book "Unmerited Favor":
God abhors sickness and He loathes poverty. Religion will tell you that "God" wants you sick to teach you character and patience. Religion will tell you that "God" wants you poor, so that you will learn humility. These are LIES from the pit of hell!

God gave everything He had to annihilate sickness and poverty when He gave us His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for us. He placed all humanity's sin, as well as the curse of sickness and poverty on the body of Jesus. Humanity only has to respond to Jesus' finished work, and all their sins will be forgiven, their physical bodies will be healed and their poverty will be history!

God wants you blessed spirit, soul and body. He is not against you having money and material things. He is against money and things having you. Use money and love people. Don't love money and use people. To be safe for success, keep your heart ablaze with passion for Jesus and His presence.