Sunday, February 10, 2013

Psalms 103:5 – Renewal of Youth!

He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's! Psalms 103:5

Remember the Bible accounts of two different kings who wanted Sarah, Abraham’s wife, for their harems? Can you recall how old she was then? She was 65 when Pharaoh desired her, and 90 when Abimelech wanted her!

My friend, these were heathen kings. I am sure that it was not because they were captivated by her inner or spiritual beauty. God must have literally renewed her physical youth!

Beloved, God’s Word promises a literal and physical renewal of your youth and strength. This means that if you are tired and you need more strength, God renews the strength of your physical body and causes you to have energy like that of a teenager’s! If you need help remembering things, He improves your memory and boosts your mental performance. If it is health that you need, God can also cause every organ in your body to function at its peak!

Right now, just look to Him and receive that very renewal of youth for your body today!

(source: Pastor Joseph Prince)

Give our Lord Jesus all the praise :)

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